Our Impact
The Virginia Beach Neptune Festival is a private, non-profit 501-C3 organization, producing over 40 events per year. Not only are we proud to have a positive economic impact on the City of Virginia Beach, we strive to take impact beyond the boardwalk by benefiting other non-profit and charitable organizations.
Economic Impact
Building Sandcastles and Community
Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend alone annually generates $26.1 million in total economic impact, $17.6 million in direct economic impact, and $1.35 million in tax revenue by Boardwalk Weekend visitors. Investing in and partnering with other regional businesses whenever possible, the Neptune Festival spends in excess of $2,000,000 with local businesses, service providers, vendors, and suppliers annually.
Total Economic Impact
Direct Economic Impact
Tax Revenue Generated
Spent in Local Partnerships

By the Numbers
More Than Sand Dollars
Economic Impact Studies have revealed the following:
- $26.1 million total economic impact by the Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend
- $17.6 million in direct economic impact by Neptune Festival visitors
- $1.35 million in tax revenue by Neptune Festival visitors
- 405,400 attendees over the Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend
- 52% of attendees are visitors from outside of Virginia Beach
- 27,003 room nights generated by overnight hotel attendees
- $354 average spending by overnight hotel attendees
- 1 in 4 residents visit Neptune Festival at least one day
- 80% of attendees have visited Neptune Festival in the past
- 8 average past visits attendees have made to Neptune Festival
- 82% of attendees say they will return next year
- 73% of attendees reported having a "very good" or an "awesome" time at Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend
- 4 in 5 visitors came to Virginia Beach specifically to attend the event
Economic Impact Studies conducted by Choice Communications Systems, Inc. (2018) and Magnini, V. (2023) The Economic and Fiscal Impacts of the 2023 Neptune Festival Boardwalk Weekend in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Institute for Service Research, Virginia Beach, VA.

Community Impact
Beyond the Boardwalk

The Neptune Festival goes beyond the boardwalk to give back to the City that we love.
In addition to producing events, the Neptune Festival provides exposure and fundraising opportunities for nonprofit, civic, and charitable organizations.
Each year, nonprofit organizations collectively earn over $50,000 from their involvement with the Festival.
Not only are we sharing funds, but organizations given space on the boardwalk have much to gain — animals adopted, donations received, and awareness raised!

Revenue-Sharing Program
Giving Back to Our Community
The Neptune Festival has established and maintained a distinctive program of cooperation with local charitable organizations – acting as a force multiplier for good by providing unique exposure and fundraising opportunities. Each year, participating non-profits earn much needed funds and exposure through their direct affiliation with the Festival. Here are the organizations Neptune Festival was proud to partner with last year:

Marketing Space Program
Share Your Mission
The Neptune Festival helps other non-profit organizations promote their cause to over 400,000 attendees by providing booth space free of charge during Boardwalk Weekend.
Organizations given space on the boardwalk have much to gain – animals adopted, donations received, and awareness raised! In 2023, the Neptune Festival was proud to share space with:
- ABC Company
- Asian Community Service
- Autoamuseme's Rising Up
- Big Brothers Big Sisters Hampton Roads
- Boy Scouts of America Tidewater Council
- Boys & Girls Clubs of Southeast Virginia
- Children's Harbor
- Childs Foundation
- Disabled American Veterans
- Eggleston
- For This Purpose
- Girls on the Run Hampton Roads
- Give Thanks for Life
- Hampton Roads Community Action Program
- Judeo-Christian Outreach Center
- L.E.A.D.
- Marine Corps League
- Meals on Wheels Chesapeake
- PIN Ministry
- Planting Shade, Thousand Tree Fund, Inc.
- Resiliency Fund
- Salvation Army Norfolk
- Seed of Hope
- Seton Youth Services
- Simon Family JCC
- Southeastern Virginia Golden Retriever Rescue
- Teens With A Purpose
- The Children's Health Investment Program SHR
- The Up Center
- Tidewater Commissioned Officers Association
- Tidewater VFW Post 4809
- Trails of Purpose
- Virginia Beach CASA
- Virginia Beach Rescue Squad Foundation
- Virginia Turfgrass Foundation
- YMCA of South Hampton Roads
- YWCA South Hampton Roads