Sunday, September 28
10:00am – 5:00pm
Virginia Beach Oceanfront
27th – 28th Streets
Registration is required to participate. Students must register on the day of the show. Viewing is free and open to the public. For more information, please contact (757) 469-4528.

An art show unlike any other.
There is beauty in youth some say, especially when they are as talented as those chosen to participate in Neptune’s Youth Art Show. On display will be the finest youth art Hampton Roads has to offer. Come enjoy this perspective as you peruse their gallery on 27th-28th Streets.
Open to all young artists, grades 4-12, this event gives them the chance to display and sell their creations in a juried venue. Over 30 awards worth more than $1,000 will be presented to students representing all grade levels. The Best-in-Show Award winner will walk away with a $250 cash award, Neptune Festival Plaque and Ribbon!

Other Neptune Events
We’ve got events happening from May to October, and we hope that you can join us for all of them!